divendres, 24 de maig del 2013


8 Dene Gardens

2nd  April 2013

Local council 
High Street
HA3 7RD 

Dear Sir or Madam, 

I represent a group called "Nature Protection". I am writing to you because we are concerned about plans to build a motorway in our area.

In our opinion it is a bad idea to build a motorway because a lot of children go to the park every day. The play and enjoy the nature. If you destroy the park the animals who live there will die. The nature in our planet is very important and it's too more important to protect it. 

A motorway produces a lot of noise and it highly contaminates. There will be more foreigners and few people who respect nature. 

We have therefore decided to take action, and we are going to organize a protest. For this reason, we are sending you a video and we hope thaht you will support us and help to show people that we must protect nature. 

Yours faithfully, 

Laia Ramírez de Cartagena Fuentes
Group Coordinator 
Students Nature Protection 

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